Lean Six Sigma Green Belt 
Self paced online learning  

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  • Author
    Novel Idea 
  • Level
    Process Improvement 
  • Study time
    120 hours
  • Access to learning platform 
    8 months
  • Quizzes/Exams
  • Aligned 
    IASSC, ASQ, LSS 6001, ISO 13053 and
    ISO 13053 -1 

What's included?

  • 120 Hours of learning 
  • 22 Learning modules 
  • Green Belt DMAIC Storybook
  • Green Belt DMAIC Tracker 
  • 50 Exam Questions
  • Level 1 Certification  

Become a  Green Belt  Problem solving and Process Improvement Expert   

You will learn how to define, measure, analyse , improve and implement improvement actions that is then embedded through controls to ensure we deliver on customer success in a sustainable manner  through the use of the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC methodology at  Green Belt level

Green Belt Storybook 
Green Belt Tracker 

 You will  learn how remember, understand then apply the learning to define, measure and analyse in order to be able to evaluate the best options for improvement,  this will enable you to create a Green Belt storybook that will show your journey that will enable you to create a sustainable customer solution that will led to customer success in your bushiness. Easy to use Lean Six Sigma Green Belt tools and templates included to make this happen.  
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Meet the instructor

Tilla van der Walt 

Tilla was part of the first 3M SA Six Sigma Team that launched Six Sigma  internationally to 220 subsidiaries and 75 000 employees in 2001. She had a double role, and was one of very few individuals in 3M that was double-accredited as Lean Six Sigma Accredited Coach and Trainer and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt.
During her corporate career, she has held a variety of Senior Leadership positions, where her ability to execute is what differentiated her. Following a request to develop the technical skills for one of the biggest Global Brewing companies, she founded her company - a Novel Idea was born in 2003. As Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Coach and trainer she is one of the Most knowledgeable  Lean Six Sigma consultants in the world. 
Patrick Jones - Course author
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